
5 Critical Things to Consider When Choosing Your Water Jet

Posted by SECA on 30-Jan-2018 14:45:02

Not all water jets are equal. These powerful machines are all designed to deliver high-pressure water but their uses may vary a lot. Their suitability for different roles also varies, depending on the tasks and scale of jobs. 


The 5 Critical Things to Consider

Our 5 critical things all relate to operational needs. Technical considerations vary with every new generation of water machines but operational needs are a lot easier to pin down and define:

  1. Up to date equipment and good business values: This is the #1 most important of all considerations. Up-to-date equipment is a major asset for any business, as well as being best practice for purchasing plumbing equipment. There’s no getting away from the fact that the new generation of water jets is a whole new ball game. This generation of machines is far superior. The new machines have more power and versatility than ever before. Make sure that you’re equipping yourself for the future, not the past.
  2. Services and maintenance: Water jets require constant operation and regular maintenance. Can you guarantee that you’ll be able to get parts and services when you need them for the machine you choose? If not, move on to other choices where both are easily available. You really don’t want to know about the downtime and costs downside of servicing problems. Your supplier should be able to help you to set up your servicing and maintenance so you never have to worry about these things.
  3. Performance specifications: Consider operational parameters, both in terms of actual work needs and cost of fuel and other operational costs. Power and pressure are good basic guides to workloads, particularly for large scale water jets, and fuel is a good ballpark number for daily running costs. This will help you to narrow down your choices to the best machines and evaluate the best deals.
  4. Standard equipment: Does your new machine come with things like nozzles, rollers and tiger tails? Standardised equipment for the water jet is a must. You should be able to get a good deal with all the standard gear you need.
  5. Smaller units must be able to do the jobs. There are some excellent, smaller water jet units on the market but the question of suitability for specific roles is very important. Check and compare these units in relation to your current and future needs. Ask your supplier about capacity, portability and all the nuts and bolts issues related to these very useful water jets.


The practical and business issues related to purchasing water jets must come first.  Be fussy, get expert help and advice, and make sure you’re buying the perfect water jet for your business.


Trying to Find a Water Jet in Melbourne, Sydney, or Brisbane?

For all the help you need with selecting your new water jet, call SECA. Call our main number, 1300 358 039, or visit our SECA branch in your city. Ask us for any advice, guidance, or technical help you need; we’ll be happy to assist.

Sewer Equipment Company (Aust)

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