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3 Simple Watch Outs When Relining Pipes.

Written by SECA | 30-Jan-2018 03:47:44

Pipe relining is one of those jobs where you need to expect problems. The theory of pipe relining is simple; the jobs often aren’t and they can cost you serious money and frustration if you don’t watch out. You don’t want to be guessing about anything. In this article, we’re explaining what to look out for.

The 3 Watch Outs

Our 3 watch outs are very straightforward but as you’ll see, they come with some real baggage if there are problems:

1. Why does the pipe need relining in the first place?

This is a much trickier question than it looks and it needs to be answered correctly. Common causes for pipe relining are:

  • Low-quality old pipes: These may be old, pre-Australian Standard pipes. There are thousands of kilometres of these pipes all around Australia. They’re truly obsolete and the quality varies from surprisingly good to truly awful. The story here is that these pipes simply fall to bits and relining may not be an option. Be very sceptical and check every millimetre of that pipe.
  • Poor pipe installation: Not quite as common but you’ll see this problem sooner or later. Poor pipe installation is the result of shoddy planning and “don’t care” installation. It can’t be a coincidence that a lousy pipe system needs multiple relining jobs. Relining may well be only part of doing a real fix to prevent the problems happening again.

2. What are the site issues?

The site itself can be a problem:

  • Site problems: All sites with pipe problems have at least one spot where the pipe’s terrain or location contributes to the causes of relining. The classic story is of a pipe laid on the edge of a cliff, or in some other barely-accessible or risky place. Check for any OHS issues before you say a word about relining.
  • Terrain and soil: Ground movement, groundwater, soil types and subsidence can do real damage to pipes. These issues can blow out your time and costs and create major issues for remediation. Relining is only part of the solution.

3. Tree roots

Australian trees are the usual suspects for major drain damage. They’re famous for their ability to find and trash pipes and drains. They can cause issues for relining because a big tree won’t have any trouble simply re-destroying the pipe. To do the job properly, you’ll have to deal with the tree issues.

That means you now have 3 jobs, not just one:

  • The relining job will need tree root work done.
  • To protect the pipe, the tree may actually have to be removed.
  • The client will need to be fully briefed about added costs, possible problems and risks.

Need Some Expert Help with Relining?

SECA is your local distributor for top-quality pipe relining equipment. Call us on 1300 358 039 or visit one of our local city branches. If you’d like some help with advice and good practical knowledge, we’ll be happy to assist and advise.